VAN Relay
Create workflows to use VAN and EveryAction databases in coordination.
Click-Through Guides
Set up users to see both VAN and EA tabs in one login (VAN Relay)
COMING Q4: Decide & Document How to use VAN and EA Together
Link Data in EA to VAN
Export Contacts From VAN to EA
COMING Q3: How to Use VAN Relay during an Issues Campaign
COMING SOON: Use VAN Relay during an Election/Get Out the Vote Campaign
COMING Q3: How to Use VAN & EA for Deep Canvassing
(and more!) by subscribing to one of the following bundles.
Organizing-focused courses | Build your strategy with guides focused on EveryAction’s base building tools and integrations. Includes EveryAction content related to Virtual Phone Banks, Follow Ups and more!
ALL ACCESS PASS | Structure your EveryAction database to best-practice standards. Includes all EveryAction content available on the Toolbox.
Asian American Advocacy Fund
Feminist Women's Healthcare Center
Showing Up for Racial Justice