Click-Through Guides

    1. Assign a Staff to a Contact Record (En/Es)

    2. COMING SOON: Set Up Automation to Apply a Notification or a Follow Up Based on Newly 'Assigned Staff'

    1. Use Followed Contacts

    1. Update an Organization's Type of Contact

    2. Add a New Organization to the Database

    3. Use Contact Relationships to Link Individuals and Organizations

    4. Template: Linking Individuals and Organizations: Relationships and Upload

    1. Suppress a Contact Record (En/Es)

    2. COMING SOON: Delete a Contact Record when Requested by Contact

    1. Using Financial Households to Nest Related Organizations

    2. Create Financial Households

    3. COMING SOON: Financial Households Basics

    4. COMING Q3: Add Tribute Features to Contribution Forms

    1. View and Update a Contact's Email Subscription Status


  • 1 Template
  • 9 Guides
  • EveryAction

Built in Collaboration

  • Asian American Advocacy Fund

  • Center for Science in the Public Interest

  • Equitable Recovery & Reconciliation Alliance

  • Feminist Women's Healthcare Center

  • Florida Wildlife Federation

  • National Domestic Workers Alliance

  • Sachamama

  • Showing Up for Racial Justice